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Palliative Care

We understand how difficult it may be to witness the effects of a terminal disease on a loved one. This is where we can assist. By providing specialised palliative care services, we can help your family make the most of their time together.

Palliative care at home allows you to stay in the comfort of your own home, surrounded by memories and loved ones. When appropriate, you can get specialised support and symptom relief for a serious illness from a caring carer with palliative care skills.

We offer a wide range of services for people suffering with diseases such as cancer or nausea and vomiting, whether you require a full-time live-in carer or monthly visits.

Our palliative care professionals follow national palliative care standards. Personal care, pain therapy for neurological and physical issues, medication administration, meal preparation, and companionship care are among them.

Palliative care at home

While some people get palliative care in an inpatient hospice or residential nursing home, receiving palliative care at home is becoming more popular.

Many patients want to stay in their most comfortable circumstances as a means of managing emotional responses to their symptoms; this is generally referred to as hospice care at home.

Palliative care at home may involve the following services:

  • Personal care and assisted living, including bathing, dressing, and toileting assistance.
  • Continence care, which includes changing continence pads and managing a stoma or catheter,
  • Even the most complicated medications can have help with things like reminders or giving the medicine.
  • Support with pain management
  • Moving around the house is made easier with gentle support or elevated transfers.
  • Providing assistance with household chores such as vacuuming, cleaning, and laundry.
  • Meal preparation and cleaning
  • Pet care includes feeding and walking your pet.
  • Errands like medication collecting and food buying
  • Companionship and assistance with independent living are also provided.
  • Palliative care options at home

Palliative care options are numerous. We offer a fully-managed service, giving you the assurance that if your care needs change, we can quickly adapt the support to fit your requirements.

Palliative care options include:

Live-in care, also known as 24 hour care, assigns a properly trained live-in carer to support you on a daily basis depending on your needs. This carer will live with you and help you with your daily needs. He or she will be chosen carefully based on your personality and care needs.

Your carer will most likely become a good friend or companion as you get palliative care, boosting your freedom and assisting you in making the most of your life.

If you want care visits at specific times of the day or night, our support services range from a weekly half-hour visit to multiple visits per day or overnight help.

One of our highly trained carers can help you keep your independence at home. This way, you and your family can be sure that you are getting care that is right for you.

We offer live-in care for as little as three days if your normal caregiver needs a break. Whether your regular caregiver has other commitments or has fallen ill, we can offer you emergency care right away.

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